Estudiar fuera de la ciudad en la que resides o en el extranjero es una experiencia increíble. Es algo único desde el punto de vista académico y personal. Sumergirse durante algunos meses en un ambiente internacional es la mejor oportunidad para establecer contacto con otras culturas, aprender nuevos idiomas y crecer como personas.

Welcome to Erasmus - If Erasmus had a trailer

Beneficios de una experiencia internacional

Hay cuatro rasgos principales que identifican a aquellas personas que han vivido una experiencia internacional:

  • Son culturalmente competentes
  • Hablan varias lenguas y tienen capacidades comunicativas.
  • Son inquietas
  • Desarrollan su personalidad

Opiniones de personas que vivieron la experiencia

"My year participation in the Erasmus exchange was highly enjoyable, exciting experience, which broadened my mind, and exceeded all of my expectations."

Timothy, English (studied in the Netherlands)


"One of the best years in my life, if not the best."

Maria, Spanish (studied in Sweden)


"This experience might be a bit scary, but for sure needs to be done by every university student. Especially from those faculties (like Economy) after which one will participate in the global market, where the languages are extremely important."

Davide, Italian (studied in England)


"Because this is a spectacular experience that enriches you, that opens you mind, that changes you. Everyone should do it! Do not think twice, but leave!"

Anna, Italian (studied in Portugal)


"What did I most appreciate? Different things: you meet new and different people, different cultures, different ways of life... You can also visit new countries, new cities... From educational point of view, it's a new and very interesting experience."

Eva, Spanish (studied in Sweden)